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Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ralph Waldo Emerson (May 25, 1803 – April 27, 1882), who went by his middle name Waldo, was an American essayist, lecturer, philosopher, abolitionist, and poet who led the Transcendentalist movement of the mid-19th century. He was seen as a champion of individualism and critical thinking, as well as a prescient critic of the countervailing pressures of society and conformityFriedrich Nietzsche thought he was "the most gifted of the Americans," and Walt Whitman called Emerson his "master".

Emerson gradually moved away from his contemporaries' religious and social beliefs of his contemporaries, formulating and expressing the philosophy of Transcendentalism in his 1836 essay, "Nature". Following this work, he gave a speech entitled "The American Scholar," in 1837, which Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr. considered to be America's "intellectual Declaration of Independence".

Emerson wrote most of his important essays as lectures, first, and then, revised them for print. His first two collections of essays, Essays: First Series (1841) and Essays: Second Series (1844), represent the core of his thinking. They include the well-known essays "Self-Reliance", "The Over-Soul,” "Circles,” "The Poet,” and "Experience". Together, with "Nature", these essays made the decade from the mid-1830s to the mid-1840s Emerson's most fertile period. Emerson wrote on a number of subjects, never espousing fixed philosophical tenets, but rather, by developing certain ideas, such as individualityfreedom, the ability for mankind to realize almost anything, and the relationship between the soul and the surrounding world. Emerson's "nature" was more philosophical than naturalistic: "Philosophically considered, the universe is composed of Nature and the Soul." Emerson is one of several figures who "took a more pantheist or pandeist approach, by rejecting views of God as separate from the world".

He remains among the linchpins of the American romantic movement,and his work has greatly influenced the thinkers, writers, and poets that followed him. "In all my lectures," he wrote, "I have taught one doctrine, namely, the infinitude of the private man." Emerson is also well-known as a mentor and friend of Henry David Thoreau, a fellow Transcendentalist.

Early life, family, and education:

Emerson was born in BostonMassachusetts, on May 25, 1803, to Ruth Haskins and the Rev. William Emerson, a Unitarian minister. He was named after his mother's brother Ralph and his father's great-grandmother Rebecca Waldo. Ralph Waldo was the second of five sons.  Emerson was of English ancestry, and his family had been in New England since the early colonial period, with Emerson being a seventh-generation descendant of Mayflower voyagers John Howland and Elizabeth Tilley through their daughter Hope.

Emerson's father died from stomach cancer on May 12, 1811, less than two weeks before Emerson's eighth birthday. Emerson was raised by his mother, with the help of the other women in the family; his aunt Mary Moody Emerson in particular had a profound effect on him. She lived with the family off and on and maintained a constant correspondence with Emerson until her death in 1863.

Emerson's formal schooling began at the Boston Latin School in 1812, when he was nine. In October 1817, at age 14, Emerson went to Harvard College and was appointed freshman messenger for the president, requiring Emerson to fetch delinquent students and send messages to faculty. Midway through his junior year, Emerson began keeping a list of books he had read and started a journal in a series of notebooks that would be called "Wide World". He took outside jobs to cover his school expenses, including Waldoas a waiter for the Junior Commons and as an occasional teacher working with his uncle Samuel and aunt Sarah Ripley in Waltham, Massachusetts. By his senior year, Emerson decided to go by his middle name,  Emerson served as Class Poet; as was custom, he presented an original poem on Harvard's Class Day, a month before his official graduation on August 29, 1821, when he was 18. He did not stand out as a student and graduated in the exact middle of his class of 59 people. 

In the early 1820s, Emerson was a teacher at the School for Young Ladies (which was run by his brother William). He next spent two years living in a cabin in the Canterbury section of Roxbury, Massachusetts, where he wrote and studied nature. In his honor, this area is now called Schoolmaster Hill in Boston's Franklin Park.

In 1826, faced with poor health, Emerson went to seek a warmer climate. He first went to Charleston, South Carolina, but found the weather was still too cold. He then went farther south to St. Augustine, Florida, where he took long walks on the beach and began writing poetry. While in St. Augustine he made the acquaintance of Prince Achille Murat, the nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte. The two engaged in enlightening discussions of religion, society, philosophy, and government. Emerson considered Murat an important figure in his intellectual education.

While in St. Augustine, Emerson had his first encounter with slavery. At one point, he attended a meeting of the Bible Society while a slave auction was taking place in the yard outside. He wrote, "One ear therefore heard the glad tidings of great joy, whilst the other was regaled with 'Going, gentlemen, going!'"

Ralph Waldo Emerson continued to teach in Cambridge, Massachusetts, until early 1825. Emerson was accepted into the Harvard Divinity School in late 1824, and was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa in 1828.

Emerson met his first wife, Ellen Louisa Tucker, in Concord, New Hampshire, on Christmas Day, 1827, and married her when she was 18 two years later. The couple moved to Boston, with Emerson's mother, Ruth, moving with them to help take care of Ellen, who was already ill with tuberculosis. Less than two years after that, on February 8, 1831, Ellen died, at age 20, after uttering her last words, "I have not forgotten the peace and joy." Emerson was strongly affected by her death and visited her grave in Roxbury daily. In a journal entry dated March 29, 1832, he wrote, "I visited Ellen's tomb & opened the coffin."

Boston's Second Church invited Emerson to serve as its junior pastor, and he was ordained on January 11, 1829. His initial salary was $1,200 per year (equivalent to $34,335 in 2023, increasing to $1,400 in July, but with his church role he took on other responsibilities: he was the chaplain of the Massachusetts Legislature and a member of the Boston School Committee. His church activities kept him busy, though during this period, and facing the imminent death of his wife, he began to doubt his own beliefs.

After his wife's death, he began to disagree with the church's methods, writing in his journal in June 1832, "I have sometimes thought that, in order to be a good minister, it was necessary to leave the ministry. The profession is antiquated. In an altered age, we worship in the dead forms of our forefathers." His disagreements with church officials over the administration of the Communion service and misgivings about public prayer eventually led to his resignation in 1832. As he wrote, "This mode of commemorating Christ is not suitable to me. That is reason enough why I should abandon it." As one Emerson scholar has pointed out, "Doffing the decent black of the pastor, he was free to choose the gown of the lecturer and teacher, of the thinker not confined within the limits of an institution or a tradition."

Emerson in Europe:

Emerson toured Europe in 1833 and later wrote of his travels in English Traits (1856). He left aboard the brig Jasper on Christmas Day, 1832, sailing first to Malta. During his European trip, he spent several months in Italy, visiting Rome, Florence and Venice, among other cities. When in Rome, he met with John Stuart Mill, who gave him a letter of recommendation to meet Thomas Carlyle. He went to Switzerland and had to be dragged by fellow passengers to visit Voltaire's home in Ferney, "protesting all the way upon the unworthiness of his memory". He then went on to Paris, a "loud modern New York of a place", where he visited the Jardin des Plantes. He was greatly moved by the organization of plants according to Jussieu's system of classification, and the way all such objects were related and connected. As Robert D. Richardson says, "Emerson's moment of insight into the interconnectedness of things in the Jardin des Plantes was a moment of almost visionary intensity that pointed him away from theology and toward science."

Moving north to England, Emerson met William WordsworthSamuel Taylor Coleridge, and Thomas Carlyle. Carlyle in particular was a strong influence on him; Emerson would later serve as an unofficial literary agent in the United States for Carlyle, and in March 1835, he tried to persuade Carlyle to come to America to lecture. The two maintained a correspondence until Carlyle's death in 1881.

Emerson returned to the United States on October 9, 1833, and lived with his mother in Newton, Massachusetts. In October 1834, he moved to Concord, Massachusetts, to live with his step-grandfather, Dr. Ezra Ripley,  Given the budding Lyceum movement, which provided lectures on all sorts of topics, Emerson saw a possible career as a lecturer. On November 5, 1833, he made the first of what would eventually be some 1,500 lectures, "The Uses of Natural History", in Boston. This was an expanded account of his experience in Paris. In this lecture, he set out some of his important beliefs and the ideas he would later develop in his first published essay, "Nature":

Nature is a language and every new fact one learns is a new word; but it is not a language taken to pieces and dead in the dictionary, but the language put together into a most significant and universal sense. I wish to learn this language, not that I may know a new grammar, but that I may read the great book that is written in that tongue.

On January 24, 1835, Emerson wrote a letter to Lydia Jackson proposing marriage. Her acceptance reached him by mail on the 28th. In July 1835, he bought a house on the Cambridge and Concord Turnpike in Concord, Massachusetts, which he named Bush; it is now open to the public as the Ralph Waldo Emerson House. He gave a lecture to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the town of Concord on September 12, 1835.Two days later, he married Jackson in her hometown of Plymouth, Massachusetts and moved to the new home in Concord together with Emerson's mother on September 15.

Emerson quickly changed his wife's name to Lidian, and would call her Queenie, and sometimes Asia, and she called him Mr. Emerson

Emerson was poor when he was at Harvard, but was later able to support his family for much of his life. He inherited a fair amount of money after his first wife's death, though he had to file a lawsuit against the Tucker family in 1836 to get it.  He received $11,600 in May 1834 (equivalent to $354,032 in 2023), and a further $11,674.49 in July 1837 (equivalent to $314,374 in 2023).  In 1834, he considered that he had an income of $1,200 a year from the initial payment of the estate, equivalent to what he had earned as a pastor.

Literary career and Transcendentalism:

On September 8, 1836, the day before the publication of Nature, Emerson met with Frederic Henry HedgeGeorge Putnam, and George Ripley to plan periodic gatherings of other like-minded intellectuals. This was the beginning of the Transcendental Club, which served as a center for the movement. Its first official meeting was held on September 19, 1836. On September 1, 1837, women attended a meeting of the Transcendental Club for the first time. Emerson invited Margaret Fuller, Elizabeth Hoar, and Sarah Ripley for dinner at his home before the meeting to ensure that they would be present for the evening get-together.  Fuller would prove to be an important figure in Transcendentalism.

Emerson anonymously sent his first essay, "Nature", to James Munroe and Company to be published on September 9, 1836. A year later, on August 31, 1837, he delivered his now-famous Phi Beta Kappa address, "The American Scholar", then entitled "An Oration, Delivered before the Phi Beta Kappa Society at Cambridge"; it was renamed for a collection of essays (which included the first general publication of "Nature") in 1849.  In the speech, Emerson declared literary independence in the United States and urged Americans to create a writing style all their own, free from Europe.

In 1837, Emerson befriended Henry David Thoreau. Though they had likely met as early as 1835, in the fall of 1837, Emerson asked Thoreau, "Do you keep a journal?" The question went on to be a lifelong inspiration for Thoreau. Emerson's own journal was published in 16 large volumes, in the definitive Harvard University Press edition issued between 1960 and 1982. Some scholars consider the journal to be Emerson's key literary work.

In March 1837, Emerson gave a series of lectures on the philosophy of history at the Masonic Temple in Boston. This was the first time he managed a lecture series on his own, and it was the beginning of his career as a lecturer. The profits from this series of lectures were much larger than when he was paid by an organization to talk, and he continued to manage his own lectures often throughout his lifetime. He eventually gave as many as 80 lectures a year, traveling across the northern United States as far as St. Louis, Des Moines, Minneapolis, and California.

On July 15, 1838, Emerson was invited to Divinity Hall, Harvard Divinity School, to deliver the school's graduation address, which came to be known as the "Divinity School Address".  He was denounced as an atheist and a poisoner of young men's minds. Despite the roar of critics, he made no reply, leaving others to put forward a defense. He was not invited back to speak at Harvard for another thirty years.

The Transcendental group began to publish its flagship journal, The Dial, in July 1840. They planned the journal as early as October 1839, but did not begin work on it until the first week of 1840. Unitarian minister George Ripley was the managing editor. Margaret Fuller was the first editor, having been approached by Emerson after several others had declined the role. Fuller stayed on for about two years, when Emerson took over, using the journal to promote talented young writers including Ellery Channing and Thoreau.

In 1841 Emerson published Essays, his second book, which included the famous essay "Self-Reliance". His aunt called it a "strange medley of atheism and false independence", but it gained favorable reviews in London and Paris. This book, and its popular reception, more than any of Emerson's contributions to date laid the groundwork for his international fame.

In January 1842 Emerson's first son, Waldo, died of scarlet fever. Emerson wrote of his grief in the poem "Threnody" ("For this losing is true dying"), and the essay "Experience".

In 1844, Emerson published his second collection of essays, Essays: Second Series. This collection included "The Poet", "Experience", "Gifts", and an essay entitled "Nature", a different work from the 1836 essay of the same name.

Emerson made a living as a popular lecturer in New England and much of the rest of the country. He had begun lecturing in 1833; by the 1850s he was giving as many as 80 lectures per year. He addressed the Boston Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge and the Gloucester Lyceum, among others. He eventually gave some 1,500 lectures in his lifetime. His earnings allowed him to expand his property, buying 11 acres (4.5 ha) of land by Walden Pond and a few more acres in a neighboring pine grove. He wrote that he was "landlord and water lord of 14 acres, more or less".

Emerson was introduced to Indian philosophy through the works of the French philosopher Victor Cousin. In 1845, Emerson's journals show he was reading the Bhagavad Gita and Henry Thomas Colebrooke's Essays on the Vedas. He was strongly influenced by Vedanta, and much of his writing has strong shades of nondualism. One of the clearest examples of this can be found in his essay "The Over-soul":

The central message Emerson drew from his Asian studies was that "the purpose of life was spiritual transformation and direct experience of divine power, here and now on earth."

In 1847–48, he toured the British Isles. He also visited Paris between the French Revolution of 1848 and the bloody June Days. When he arrived, he saw the stumps of trees that had been cut down to form barricades in the February riots.

On May 21, he stood on the Champ de Mars in the midst of mass celebrations for concord, peace and labor. He wrote in his journal, "At the end of the year we shall take account, & see if the Revolution was worth the trees."The trip left an important imprint on Emerson's later work. His 1856 book English Traits is based largely on observations recorded in his travel journals and notebooks. Emerson later came to see the American Civil War as a "revolution" that shared common ground with the European revolutions of 1848.

In a speech in Concord, Massachusetts on May 3, 1851, Emerson denounced the Fugitive Slave Act: The act of Congress is a law which every one of you will break on the earliest occasion—a law which no man can obey, or abet the obeying, without loss of self-respect and forfeiture of the name of gentleman.

That summer, he wrote in his diary: “This filthy enactment was made in the nineteenth century by people who could read and write. I will not obey it.”

In February 1852 Emerson and James Freeman Clarke and William Henry Channing edited an edition of the works and letters of Margaret Fuller, who had died in 1850.[116] Within a week of her death, her New York editor, Horace Greeley, suggested to Emerson that a biography of Fuller, to be called Margaret and Her Friends, be prepared quickly "before the interest excited by her sad decease has passed away". Published under the title The Memoirs of Margaret Fuller Ossoli,

Walt Whitman published the innovative poetry collection Leaves of Grass in 1855 and sent a copy to Emerson for his opinion. Emerson responded positively, sending Whitman a flattering five-page letter in response.This edition quoted a phrase from Emerson's letter, printed in gold leaf on the cover: "I Greet You at the Beginning of a Great Career". Emerson took offense that this letter was made public and later was more critical of the work.

Philosophers Camp:

In summer 1858, Emerson camped at Follensbee Pond in the Adirondack Mountains in upstate New York with nine others: Louis AgassizJames Russell Lowell, John Holmes, Horatio WoodmanEbenezer Rockwood HoarJeffries WymanEstes HoweAmos Binney, and William James Stillman.

This social club was mostly a literary membership that met the last Saturday of the month at the Boston Parker House Hotel (Omni Parker House). William James Stillman was a painter and founding editor of an art journal called the Crayon

This event was a landmark in the nineteenth-century intellectual movement, linking nature with art and literature.

Although much has been written over many years by scholars and biographers of Emerson's life, little has been written of what has become known as the "Philosophers Camp" at Follensbee Pond.

Starting in 1867, Emerson's health began declining; he wrote much less in his journals. Beginning as early as the summer of 1871 or in the spring of 1872, he started experiencing memory problems and suffered from aphasia. By the end of the decade, he forgot his own name at times and, if asked how he felt, would respond "Quite well; I have lost my mental faculties, but am perfectly well".

In the spring of 1871, Emerson took a trip on the transcontinental railroad, barely two years after its completion.

Emerson's Concord home caught fire on July 24, 1872. He called for help from neighbors and, giving up on putting out the flames, all tried to save as many objects as possible.Donations were collected by friends to help the Emersons rebuild. The fire marked an end to Emerson's serious lecturing career; from then on, he would lecture only on special occasions and only in front of familiar audiences.

While the house was being rebuilt, Emerson took a trip to England, continental Europe, and Egypt. He left on October 23, 1872, along with his daughter Ellen, while his wife Lidian spent time at the Old Manse and with friends. Emerson and his daughter Ellen returned to the United States on the ship Olympus along with friend Charles Eliot Norton on April 15, 1873. Emerson's return to Concord was celebrated by the town, and school was canceled that day.

In late 1874, Emerson published an anthology of poetry entitled Parnassus, which included poems by Anna Laetitia BarbauldJulia Caroline DorrJean IngelowLucy LarcomJones Very, as well as Thoreau and several others. Originally, the anthology had been prepared as early as the fall of 1871, but it was delayed when the publishers asked for revisions.

The problems with his memory had become embarrassing to Emerson and he ceased his public appearances by 1879. In reply to an invitation to a retirement celebration for Octavius B. Frothingham, he wrote, "I am not in condition to make visits, or take any part in conversation. Old age has rushed on me in the last year, and tied my tongue, and hid my memory, and thus made it a duty to stay at home." The New York Times quoted his reply and noted that his regrets were read aloud at the celebration. Holmes wrote of the problem saying, "Emerson is afraid to trust himself in society much, on account of the failure of his memory and the great difficulty he finds in getting the words he wants. It is painful to witness his embarrassment at times".

On April 21, 1882, Emerson was found to be suffering from pneumonia. He died six days later. Emerson is buried in Sleepy Hollow Cemetery, Concord, Massachusetts. He was placed in his coffin wearing a white robe given by the American sculptor Daniel Chester French.

Lifestyle and beliefs:

Emerson's religious views were often considered radical at the time. He believed that all things are connected to God and, therefore, all things are divine. Critics believed that Emerson was removing the central God figure; as Henry Ware Jr. said, Emerson was in danger of taking away "the Father of the Universe" and leaving "but a company of children in an orphan asylum". Emerson was partly influenced by German philosophy and Biblical criticism. His views, the basis of Transcendentalism, suggested that God does not have to reveal the truth, but that the truth could be intuitively experienced directly from nature. When asked his religious belief, Emerson stated, "I am more of a Quaker than anything else. I believe in the 'still, small voice', and that voice is Christ within us."

Emerson was a supporter of the spread of community libraries in the 19th century, having this to say of them: "Consider what you have in the smallest chosen library. A company of the wisest and wittiest men that could be picked out of all civil countries, in a thousand years, have set in best order the results of their learning and wisdom."

Race and slavery:

Emerson did not become an ardent abolitionist until 1844, though his journals show he was concerned with slavery beginning in his youth, even dreaming about helping to free slaves. After Sumner's attack, Emerson began to speak out about slavery. "I think we must get rid of slavery, or we must get rid of freedom", he said at a meeting at Concord that summer. Emerson used slavery as an example of a human injustice, especially in his role as a minister.

In early 1838, provoked by the murder of an abolitionist publisher from Alton, Illinois, named Elijah Parish Lovejoy, Emerson gave his first public antislavery address. As he said, "It is but the other day that the brave Lovejoy gave his breast to the bullets of a mob, for the rights of free speech and opinion, and died when it was better not to live".By August 1, 1844, at a lecture in Concord, he stated more clearly his support for the abolitionist movement: "We are indebted mainly to this movement, and to the continuers of it, for the popular discussion of every point of practical ethics".

Emerson is often known as one of the most liberal democratic thinkers of his time who believed that through the democratic process, slavery should be abolished. While being an avid abolitionist who was known for his criticism of the legality of slavery, Emerson struggled with the implications of race.[181] His usual liberal leanings did not clearly translate when it came to believing that all races had equal capability or function, which was a common conception for the period in which he lived. Much of his early life, he was silent on the topic of race and slavery. Not until he was well into his 30s did Emerson begin to publish writings on race and slavery, and not until he was in his late 40s and 50s did he become known as an antislavery activist.

During his early life, Emerson seemed to develop a hierarchy of races based on faculty to reason or rather, whether African slaves were distinguishably equal to white men based on their ability to reason.

As with many supporters of slavery, during his early years, Emerson seems to have thought that the faculties of African slaves were not equal to those of white slave-owners. But this belief in racial inferiorities did not make Emerson a supporter of slavery. Emerson wrote later that year that "No ingenious sophistry can ever reconcile the unperverted mind to the pardon of Slavery; nothing but tremendous familiarity, and the bias of private interest". For Emerson, slavery was a moral issue, while superiority of the races was an issue he tried to analyze from a scientific perspective based on what he believed to be inherited traits.

Emerson saw himself as a man of "Saxon descent". In a speech given in 1835 titled "Permanent Traits of the English National Genius", he said, "The inhabitants of the United States, especially of the Northern portion, are descended from the people of England and have inherited the traits of their national character". He saw direct ties between race based on national identity and the inherent nature of the human being. White Americans who were native-born in the United States and of English ancestry were categorized by him as a separate "race", which he thought had a position of being superior to other nations. He believed that native-born Americans of English descent were superior to European immigrants, including the Irish, French, and Germans, and also as being superior to English people from England, whom he considered a close second and the only really comparable group.

Later in his life, Emerson's ideas on race changed when he became more involved in the abolitionist movement while at the same time, he began to more thoroughly analyze the philosophical implications of race and racial hierarchies. His beliefs shifted focus to the potential outcomes of racial conflicts. Emerson's racial views were closely related to his views on nationalism and national superiority, which was a common view in the United States at that time. Emerson used contemporary theories of race and natural science to support a theory of race development. He believed that the current political battle and the current enslavement of other races was an inevitable racial struggle, one that would result in the inevitable union of the United States. Such conflicts were necessary for the dialectic of change that would eventually allow the progress of the nation. In much of his later work, Emerson seems to allow the notion that different European races will eventually mix in America. This hybridization process would lead to a superior race that would be to the advantage of the superiority of the United States.


As a lecturer and orator, Emerson—nicknamed the Sage of Concord—became the leading voice of intellectual culture in the United States.[187] James Russell Lowell, editor of the Atlantic Monthly and the North American Review, commented in his book My Study Windows (1871), that Emerson was not only the "most steadily attractive lecturer in America," but also "one of the pioneers of the lecturing system." Theodore Parker, a minister and Transcendentalist, noted Emerson's ability to influence and inspire others: "the brilliant genius of Emerson rose in the winter nights, and hung over Boston, drawing the eyes of ingenuous young people to look up to that great new star, a beauty and a mystery, which charmed for the moment, while it gave also perennial inspiration, as it led them forward along new paths, and towards new hopes".

Emerson's work not only influenced his contemporaries, such as Walt Whitman and Henry David Thoreau, but would continue to influence thinkers and writers in the United States and around the world down to the present.

Emerson was the most influential writer of 19th-century America, though these days he is largely the concern of scholars. Walt WhitmanHenry David Thoreau and William James were all positive Emersonians, to T. S. Eliot, Emerson's essays were an "encumbrance Waldo the Sage was eclipsed from 1914 until 1965, when he returned to shine, after surviving in the work of major American poets like Robert FrostWallace Stevens and Hart Crane.

In his book The American ReligionHarold Bloom repeatedly refers to Emerson as "The prophet of the American Religion", which in the context of the book refers to indigenously American religions such as Mormonism and Christian Science, which arose largely in Emerson's lifetime, but also to mainline Protestant churches that Bloom says have become in the United States more gnostic than their European counterparts.  Several of Emerson's poems were included in Bloom's The Best Poems of the English Language, although he wrote that none of the poems are as outstanding as the best of Emerson's essays, which Bloom listed as "Self-Reliance", "Circles", "Experience", and "nearly all of Conduct of Life". In his belief that line lengths, rhythms, and phrases are determined by breath, Emerson's poetry foreshadowed the theories of Charles Olson.

The following were named after or in honor of Emerson:

·        Emerson college (various campuses, https://emerson.edu/)

·        Harvard's philosophy department is housed in Emerson Hall (1900).

·        In May 2006, 168 years after Emerson delivered his "Divinity School Address", Harvard Divinity School announced the establishment of the Emerson Unitarian Universalist Association Professorship.

·        Stephen Emerson Whicher, one of the leading Emerson scholars of the 20th century

·        The Emerson String Quartet, formed in 1976

·        The Ralph Waldo Emerson Prize is awarded annually to high school students for essays on historical subjects.

·        The Emerson Collective, a company devoted to social change]

·        Emerson Street in Napier, New Zealand

·        The town of Emerson, New Jersey

·        The Carleton College track runner Emerson Lange

Emerson Collections:

·        Essays: First Series (1841)

·        Essays: Second Series (1844)

·        Poems (1847)

·        Nature, Addresses and Lectures (1849)

·        Representative Men (1850)

·        English Traits (1856)

·        The Conduct of Life (1860)

·        May-Day and Other Pieces (1867)

·        Society and Solitude (1870)

·        Natural History of the Intellect: the last lectures of Ralph Waldo Emerson Archived September 30, 2020, at the Wayback Machine (1871)

·        Letters and Social Aims (1875)

Individual essays

·        "Nature" (1836)

·        "Self-Reliance" (Essays: First Series)

·        "Compensation" (First Series)

·        "The Over-Soul" (First Series)

·        "Circles" (First Series)

·        "The Poet" (Essays: Second Series)

·        "Experience" (Essays: Second Series)

·        "Politics" (Second Series)

·        "Saadi" in the Atlantic Monthly (1864)

·        "The American Scholar"

·        "New England Reformers"

·        "History"

·        "Fate"


·        "Concord Hymn"

·        "The Rhodora"

·        "Brahma"

·        "Uriel"

·        "Merlin"


·        Letter to Martin Van Buren

·        The Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1834–72[207][208]

Musical settings:

·        Emerson's "Concord Hymn", written for Concord's Independence Day celebration on July 4, 1837, was on this occasion both read and sung as a hymn by a local choir, using the then-familiar tune "Old Hundredth".

·        Charles Ives has set a fragment from Emerson's poem "Voluntaries" (a tribute to the soldiers fighting for the Union[209]) as a song entitled Duty, included in his collection for voice and piano 114 Songs (1919–24).[210]

·        Ernst Toch has set Emerson's poem "Good-Bye" as the sixth and final movement of his work The Inner Circle, for mixed chorus a cappella (1945, revised 1953).[211]

·        Three fragments from Emerson's essay Spiritual Laws (in Essays: First Series, 1841) form the backbone of Kaija Saariaho's True Fire for baritone and orchestra (2014), a work that collages texts from various sources. The work's title is taken from the essay's final sentence, that concludes also the setting: "We know the authentic effects of the true fire through every one of its million disguises."



Ralph Waldo Emerson


May 25, 1803

Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.


April 27, 1882 (aged 78)

Concord, Massachusetts, U.S.

Alma mater

Harvard University


Ellen Louisa Tucker

(m. 1829; died 1831)​

Lidian Jackson

(m. 1835)​


19th-century philosophy


American philosophy




Harvard College

Main interests

Individualismnaturedivinitycultural criticism

Notable ideas

Self-reliancetransparent eyeballdouble consciousness, stream of thought

Ecclesiastical career






11 January 1829





A Nation's Strength


What makes a nation's pillars high

And its foundations strong?

What makes it mighty to defy

The foes that round it throng?


It is not gold. Its kingdoms grand

Go down in battle shock;

Its shafts are laid on sinking sand,

Not on abiding rock.


Is it the sword? Ask the red dust

Of empires passed away;

The blood has turned their stones to rust,

Their glory to decay.


And is it pride? Ah, that bright crown

Has seemed to nations sweet;

But God has struck its luster down

In ashes at his feet.


Not gold but only men can make

A people great and strong;

Men who for truth and honor's sake

Stand fast and suffer long.


Brave men who work while others sleep,

Who dare while others fly...

They build a nation's pillars deep

And lift them to the sky.

Theme:  The main theme of this poem is the strength of nations. Specifically, the poet is interested in analyzing and describing how and why some nations maintain their strength and endure the passage of time while others do not. He poses a few reasons why a country might endure before settling on what he says is the main reason—the people/leaders they contain.


Structure and Form: ‘A Nation’s Strength’ is a six-stanza poem that is divided into quatrains or sets of four lines. The lines follow a simple rhyme scheme of ABAB; changing end sounds from stanza to stanza. The poet uses similar-length lines that alternate between iambic tetrameter and iambic trimeter. This means that the odd-numbered lines have a total of eight syllables (with a few exceptions), and the even-numbered lines have a total of six syllables, with some exceptions.


Poem Summary: In the first lines of this poem, the speaker begins by asking two rhetorical questions. He wonders what it is about a nation that makes its “foundations strong?” What is that a nation does that allows it to stand up to and “defy” surrounding foes?   Here, he’s suggesting that it’s not easy to stay together as a country in the face of adversity. Time, enemies, and the many other conflicts that countries face usually result in governments and ideologies falling apart. 


The second stanza provides some suggestions as to what the speaker thinks about strong countries. The speaker makes it clear from the start that they do not believe that it is gold or wealth that makes a nation or kingdom great. Just because a nation has money doesn’t mean that it’s going to be able to defend itself and its ideologies. If it depends on its wealth to get it through difficulties, then it’s going to find itself “on sinking sand” rather than “abiding,” long-lasting rock. It’s this kind of “rock” or foundation that the speaker is interested in. 

            Another suggestion the speaker has is that it could be a “sword” or the power to win important battles. If a country is filled with warriors or a good army, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the country is going to withstand the true tests of time. 

In answer to his own rhetorical question, the speaker says that all one has to do is turn to ask the “empires passed away” that had such armies but are now nothing more than broken monuments. 

The blood of these once-great empires has rusted the stone of their great accomplishments and led to decay (just as rust destroys metal). 

            The fifth stanza of the poem says that it is not gold that inspires and makes people great; it is only “men.” People are only made great through the inspiration and direction they receive from their leaders. It’s critical to have leaders who are interested in truth and honor for the sake of those things alone and not to any other end. People must be able to suffer for a cause they believe in as well. 

            The men that it takes to make a nation great are those who work long hours when others are sleeping and who are capable of pushing people to be the best versions of themselves. 

Literary Devices:  In this poem, the poet uses a few literary devices. They include: 

·        Enjambment: can be seen when the poet cuts off a line before its natural stopping point, for example, the transition between lines one and two of stanza one. 

·        Parallelism: the use of the same line structure multiple lines. For example, the poet begins several stanzas with a rhetorical question like “Is it the sword?” before answering the question.

·        Caesura: can be seen when the poet inserts a pause into the middle of a line of verse. For instance, “It is not gold. Its kingdoms grand.” 

·        Rhetorical Question: a question that does not expect an answer.

For example, “What makes it mighty to defy / The foes that round it throng?”


Answer these questions:

1.     What are the things that, according to the poet, do not make a nation strong?

According to the poet- Not gold, nor the sword, nor pride make a nation strong.

2.     What do a nation’s foes do?

A nation’s foes are the enemies of the nation that surround it.

3.     What can happen to a nation’s pride?

 A nation’s pride can quickly lose its sheen if God so wills it. An act of nature  can destroy monuments, towns and places of natural beauty.

4.     What are the qualities that make a nation strong?

The people who can stand by truth and honesty and who can suffer long for  these great virtues can make their country great and strong. In other words, determined people with the right attitude make a nation strong.

5.     State the rhyme scheme used in the poem.

The rhyme scheme used in the poem is abab where alternate lines rhyme.

6.     What happens if a shaft is put on sand?

A shaft put on sand will sink into the sand.

7.     What is the result of a shaft being laid on rock?

 A shaft that is laid on rock is steady.

8.     What is the shaft a symbol of in these lines?

    The shaft is a symbol of the foundation stones of the nation.

9.     Whose blood does the line refer to?

The line refers to the blood of empires from ancient times.

10.  What does the phrase ‘turned their stones to rust’ refer to?

The phrase ‘turned their stones to rust’ refers to the reddish tinge of the stones where blood has been spilt.

11.  Whose ‘glory’ has diminished?

The empire’s glory has diminished. They build a nation’s pillars deep  And lift them to the sky.

12.  Who is ‘they’ in the above line?

The ‘they’ in the line are the people of the nation.

13.   How are the nation’s pillars built deep?

 A nation’s pillars are built deep by the people who work hard, suffer and who dare to do things that make others run away.

14.  How are a nation’s pillars lifted to the sky?

A nation’s pillars are lifted to the sky because they have deep foundations built on the solid ground of bravery and honor.

15.  Who are the real enemies of a nation? Do these enemies reside in a country or


The real enemies of a nation are people who run away from danger, don’t defend the country or work hard. These real enemies reside within the country.

16.  Why are wealth, pride and war not enough to make a country strong?

Wealth, pride and war are not enough to make a country strong because it is people, determined people with the right attitude who make a country strong.

17.  What is the poet’s definition of bravery?

The poet’s definition of bravery is people who work while others sleep and who dare to do things that would have other people run away.

18.  ‘Pride goeth before a fall’ is a well-known proverb. Explain what it means.

The proverb ‘Pride goeth before a fall’ means that a person who is overly proud is invariably brought down by fate so that he/she remembers to be humble. A man succeeds in life only because of character and not because of wealth

and possessions.


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