English Lab Viva-voce Questions


CALL Lab/Computer Assisted Language Learning Lab Viva-voce Questions

Define phonetics?

What is phonology?

What is the role of organs of speech in phonetics?

How many sounds are there in English Language?

How are speech sounds classified?

What is IPA?

What is Received Pronunciation/RP?

What are passive articulators?

What are active articulators?

How many letters of alphabet are there?

What is the difference between vowel sounds and consonant sounds?

What are voiced sounds? How many voiced sounds are there in English language?

What are voiceless sounds?

How many voiceless sounds are there?

What is the difference between monophthongs /pure vowels and diphthongs/vowel glides?

How are consonants classified?

What are bilabial sounds? How many bilabial sounds are there?

what are plosives? provide an example?

What are affricates?

Define fricatives?

What are nasal sounds?

Why 'j' and 'w' are called semi-vowels?

What are semi-vowels?

What are dental sounds?

Define alveolar sounds?

What are palato-alveolar/post-alveolar sounds?

Define syllable.

What is syllabification?

what is the structure of syllable?

what are past tense marker rules?

What are plural marker rules?

What is the difference between content words and functional words?

what are weak forms and strong forms?

Define consonant clusters. Provide an example for that.

What are minimal pairs? Give an example.

What is word accent/stress?

What are the rules of stress?

What is stress shift?

Define intonation/tone/tone group?

What are the different types of tone groups/ intonation?

Provide an example for falling intonation/fall tone group?

What is rising intonation? Where do we use this tone group?

ICS Lab/Interactive Communicative Skills Lab Viva-Voce Questions

What is an ice-breaker?

What is just a minute (JAM)?  For JAM topics

What is an article?

What are the different types of articles?

Define definite article? Where do we use the definite article?

what is an indefinite article? What are the rules for an indefinite article?

What are prepositions? Mention some common prepositions.

What are the different types of prepositions?

What are the different types of word formations?

What is prefix /suffix/compounding/conversion/ clipping/blend/acronyms/ onomatopoeia/ eponyms / toponyms/ synonyms/antonyms?

What is the difference between 'role play' and 'situational dialogue'?

What is an etiquette?

What is concord?

What is the difference between 'advice' and 'advise'?

What is the difference between 'practice' and practise'?

Define description. Describe the process of preparation of tea.

Describe an object which you know well.

Can you give directions from your home to college?

How do you give instructions to your friend about the enrollment of voter id card?

How do you give guidelines?

What is an extempore?

What are oral presentations?

What is an information transfer? What are various types used to transfer information?

What is reading? Different types of reading.

What is the difference between scanning and skimming?

What is the difference between intensive reading and extensive reading?


There are other questions about question tags/idioms/phrasal verbs/voice/reported speech/common errors in English/often misspelt words and any other questions based on the context / situation.


All the best


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